For Your Projects or Presentations
HUNK is a strong display face, include:
- All Symbols
- All Punctuations
- All Letters
- All Numbers
File Type:
- Hunk . OTF
- Hunk light . OTF
- Hunk bold . OTF
- Hunk . TTF
- Hunk light . TTF
- Hunk bold . TTF
- Webfont
Languages: Albanian, Basque, Catalan, French, Italian, Polish, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, Frisian, Galician, German, Malagasy, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish
All elements were created using Adobe Photoshop and are vectors. These vectors can be easily exported just saving as EPF or PDF. And how they are 100% vectors they can be resized without losing resolution for the size you want to.